6 Modern Technologies That Were Actually Invented In Ancient time
We have heard a lot about modern inventions and technology. Little did anyone tell us that many of the modern technologies are either modification of existing technology or technology which was invented in ancient time. Ancient inventions and inventors did not get the fame because they never did things for their benefit. Inventions they did would always be a solution to some problems. These solutions come out with mere hard work, intelligence and creativity. And there was no patenting as such in those time. It just shows how selfless those people were.
Here are a few modern technologies which actually existed in the ancient time.
1. Plastic surgery
The modern plastic surgery was developed by Harold Gillies in the year 1917. After the world war many soldiers suffered from severe facial burns due to shrapnel. Harold Gillies came up with plastic surgery as a solution to cure these facial burns. And since then he was called as father of plastic surgery.
But plastic surgery treatment was first introduced by Sushruta an Ancient Indian who practiced and introduced different surgical methods around 3000 BC. He was the first person to implement this plastic surgery method to treat nostril and ear injuries. Because in those early times all the sharp weapons used in war field would damage nose and ears of the worriers as they did not use any helmets.
2. Vending machines
The vending machines were introduced in London in 19th century for dispensing post cards and books. Eventually it was developed to dispense food, tickets and many other thing.
But vending machine is not a modern technology, it was first implemented 2000 years ago by a Greek physicist named Hero of Alexandria. He had developed this unique structure in order to dispense the holy water. As the devotees dropped coins into the dispenser it would give some quantity of the sacred water. This vending machine was designed in order to avoid the devotees from dipping into the sacred water and polluting it.
Hero of alexandria
3. Seismometer
Seismometers are nothing but the devices used for detecting earth quakes. In 1875 Italian scientist Filippo Cecchi an Italian scientist introduced the modern seismograph to the world. But the earth quake detector was first invented 2000 years ago by a Chinese inventor named Zhang Heng.
4. Automatic doors
Automatic doors are very common now a days. It is not a recent technology as these automatic doors were first implemented by Hero of Alexandria in 50 BC as temple doors. The principle behind the working of the ancient automatic is very simple.
5. Alarm clock
The sound making alarm clocks are a must now a days. Levi Hutchings is credited for inventing the alarm clocks in 1787. He designed a clock which made sound every day at 4am. But an Ancient philosopher Plato in 440 BC designed the first clock that made sound. He used connected various hour glasses together and filled it with water. When all the glasses are filled the vessel would make sound.
Ancient alarm clock
Greek philosopher Plato
6. Battery
Alessandro Volta was regarded as the first person to develop a true battery in 1799. It was made out of copper and zinc discs being piled one above the other to generate electricity. But the archaeological department have found traces of batteries. This is a proof that batteries existed in ancient times too.
Ancient Indian scriptures tell that Rishi Agasthya has described the construction and working of an electric battery in his book Agasthya-samhita around 7000 years ago.
Rishi Agasthya
This definitely depicts that ancient human were far more advanced than the modern ones. Don’t you think so?