Stem Cell Therapy – A new Way To Rebuild Damaged Heart
Stem cell therapy has been an inspiring alternative to retract functionalities of heart after myocardial infractions.
What are Stem cells?
Stem Cell is an identical cell of a multicellular organism which is capable of giving rise to many more cells of the same kind.
An adult stem cell can be extract from bone marrow, liver, root of teeth, umbilical cord, heart, gut, lever and other tissues and organs. These stem cells are extracted from different organs depending on the requirements. The isolated stem cells are then grown to large number and further used for treatments.
For cardiac repair, doctors use stem cells derived from Bone marrow, mesenchymal stem cells and Cardiac stem cells. The collected stem cells are then grown in laboratory, when bathed in a nutrient solution. After few weeks the lab grown heart cells will resemble an immature but complex looking heart structure.
Cardiac repair
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Stem Cell Therapy